Thursday, December 29, 2011

Where Santorum Stands On The Issues

With the sudden rise of Rick Santorum in Iowa I thought I would take the time to go over where he stands on key conservative issues. His chances of winning the GOP nomination is still hopeful but slim at best but who knows what the polls will say if he has a strong showing in Iowa and if one of the top contenders performs poorly and bows out. My first choice would still be Rick Perry as I feel he has a better record to go against Obama in a national election. However, Rick Santorum, like Perry, has a clear and precise record of conservative values and few flip-flops.

On abortion Santorum is a strong believer that abortion is wrong in any case. Even in cases of rape or incest he still is against abortion in all forms. He feels that taking a life won't change what happened to the victim.

On the economy he is for prioritizing tax cuts over national debt reduction. He voted in favor of a Balanced-budget Constitutional amendment. Santorum wants a $40 billion reduction in federal spending.

On Civil Liberties he has a strong record against polygamy and gay marriage. He believes sexual orientation does not have a place in the military. Whether heterosexual or homosexual it is his belief that it will cause more problems for the military to just allow people to bring their personal life into the work place. He is in favor of a Constitutional ban on flag burning and voted against on adding sexual orientation crimes as a hate crime.

On crime he is for limiting class- action lawsuits and is pro death penalty. He voted yes on limiting death penalty appeals. Anyone who reads this needs to examine for themselves how much these appeals cost this nation on a yearly basis. Appeals alone are bankrupting the criminal justice system. He also, voted yes on increasing penalties for drug offenders.

Santorum is in favor of exposing kids to creationism along with evolution in the public school system and voted yes on only giving schools who allow prayer to have government aid. He takes a conservative approach when it comes to school vouchers. He has had a consistent record on voting for school vouchers dating back to 1994.

When it comes to energy policies he is for drilling in ANWR and voted no on banning drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. He has voted no on government funding of solar energy and yes on allowing for the creation of a nuclear waste repository.

His foreign policy consists of wanting to strengthen the trade embargo on Cuba and was against limiting the President's power to impose economic sanctions. He was for the War in Iraq and if President would take a strong stand against Iran, leaving all options on the table including taking out Iranian nukes by force with the help of our allies.

Repealing Obamacare would be his first objective if elected President. Which is far from Romney's position that he would only takes out the parts he disagrees with and leave the rest intact.

The immigration topic is one he has spoken adamently about during his campaign. He is for no in-state tuitions for illegals and is for finishing the border fence, along with making English our official language. No benefits for illegals and no guest worker program. Secure the border first and go from there is his approach.  


  1. Where is this guy on guns?

  2. He isn't your normal steadfast Republican candidate when it comes to guns he did have support Arlen Spector for reelection even though Spector was for gun control but there is no way that a Republican would ever cause trouble to his constituents about gun control. Because the NRA and other gun groups give huge contributions to all the Republican candidates if one ever was for gun control he most assuredly wouldn't be on the Republican ticket
