Thursday, December 22, 2011

Holder Should Resign

    United States Attorney General, Eric Holder has been by far one of the most controversial figures in the Obama Administration. His role in the Fast and Furious debacle has proved that his time as Attorney General will end as it began, with creating a disaster and being unable to explain why things went so terribly wrong. As you remember, during the 2008 Presidential election, Black Panther party members were brought up on voter intimidation charges as two of their members were outside of a polling place in Philadelphia, one holding a Billy club and both shouting racial insults at white voters. Even though the event was caught on video, Holder decided that there was not enough evidence to prosecute the accused. There was a view by the justice department that prosecuting minorities for civil rights violations would not be a huge focus on their agenda. Due to being in the administration of a African American president, it would appear that prosecuting minorities on such charges might cause a backlash by the same minorities that helped Obama get elected in 2008. However, even after calls for his resignation, Obama decided to stick with Holder. This has proved to be a mistake. Calls for his resignation have reignited past critics arguments that Holder should step down and be replaced by a more competent and less controversial figure. The questioning of Holder over what he knew and when he knew it when it concerns the Fast and Furious investigation could not have come at a worse time for Obama, as his popularity has plummeted and being reelected a few months from now appears to be nothing less than a long shot. Now Holder is stating that his critics are basing their criticism of him solely on the fact that he is African American. Not because he fails to uphold the law when it comes to voter intimidation, not because he helped empower Mexican drug lords, by giving them an arsenal of weaponry that is now wreaking havoc on our southern border, not because his administration is directly responsible for the death of a border guard and probably countless others that have been murdered by the guns that this administration failed to keep track of but because he is black is why he is getting attacked. I have a feeling that his latest excuse for his failings will fall on deaf ears.  


  1. You are absolutely correct. The only problem with demanding he resign is it intimates he has a shred of respect for the office. He has proven he could care less about upholding the law of the land and only initiates cases against specific races abd religions.
    You have to have a concience in order to resign.


  3. The man has been a total failure and your right it would take a consience and a shred of integrity to resign but i don't think anyone in this administration even remotely has the guts to do the right thing. They are so into this Progressive agenda that they fail to see the damage they are doing. Either that or they don't care.
