Monday, December 19, 2011

Gingrich and the courts

Newt Gingrich is proposing some mighty big changes when it comes to the court system. Impeaching judges, whom he has disagreements with and not listening to verdicts that he thinks goes against his view of the Constitution. There has not been a President since Franklin Roosevelt who has taken on the court systems in this manner. If Gingrich is elected as President he will be facing the same challenges that Roosevelt faced. When Conservative leaning judges on the Supreme Court refused to retire for fear of him appointing judges that would be favorable to his New Deal, Roosevelt tried to pass a bill that would grant him the authority to install more judges to the court. However this did not go over well with the American people and the bill was voted down and was one of Roosevelts biggest failures. The American public tend to see the courts as a last resort to reign in the federal government just in case it does something unconstitutional, such as, Obama's healthcare law. The Supreme Court is about to hear the case to repeal the law altogether and it makes me wonder if Newt Gingrich has a problem with the court going against the will of the President or will he feel that the court is again overstepping its boundaries; going against the will of the founding fathers. I disagree with the courts having too much power, I understand that these low level judges have taken it upon themselves to override Federal and State laws at times because of ideological views but to propose that they go before the Senate and have to explain their decisions just seems like a waste of time. Not to mention I would hate for someone like an Obama to have such an authority. I have faith in Newt Gingrich when it comes to such matters as not overstepping his boundaries to a point but I just feel that it is setting a terrible precedent for a President that I do not trust having the power to question the decisions of the court, when the court goes against his wishes.

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