Friday, December 30, 2011

Goodbye Iowa

The Iowa caucus reminds me of a once great quarterback who refuses to believe that his glory days are over and it is time to ride off into the sunset. No matter how bad his stats are and no matter how much his family and friends tell him that it is time to quit he just refuses to let go, in the hope that he can somehow, someway recreate what once was. This is what the Iowa caucus is starting to become. The caucus has become an outdated precedent that needs to go the same way as the steamboats and the Atari. Yes, it brings back days long since past when politicians would criss cross a particular state, meeting and greeting voters, kissing babies and shaking millions of excited onlookers hands. However, Iowa does not represent any other state in the United States. Each state is completely different and deserves the same publicity and say as Iowa gets every four years. Unfortunately, every four years the news media tells their audience that whoever wins Iowa will most likely become his or her parties nominee for President. Candidates spend months in Iowa ignoring the rest of the nation in the hopes they will win the state and march straight to the White House victoriously. If this was the case then in 2004 Huckabee would of faced Obama in the National election. This did not occurr and even though I like Huckabee, he probably wouldn't of faired any better against Obama than Mccain did. Iowa holds few minorities, few delegates and well, just few people in general. It hardly represents diverse, highly populated states and has no place in dictating who should be the frontrunner in any National race. Tradition is nice but this is one tradition that needs to die and needs to die this election cycle. Ron Paul is a frontrunner? Really? Iowa has got to be the only state in the United States that Ron Paul is even considered a contender. If he wins the Iowa caucus, he would lose every state after that. Come 2016 the media will try to get people interested in the Iowa contest only to realize that people do not take it seriously anymore. So Iowa, please vote for Paul, your only bringing an end to an ancient relic that hopefully will never be unearthed again for a long, long time.     

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