Sunday, December 18, 2011

Missing Glenn Beck Show

At 4 every evening I would sit and watch the Glenn Beck show. I found it to be one of the more informative shows on tv compared to the other Fox broadcasting with Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity. He was fair and didn't care if you were Republican or Democrat if your actions were hurting this nation he was all too willing to spread your face all throughout his show for weeks on end. He single handedly harassed the Obama Administration over Obama's ties to Van Jones and Bill Ayers and gleamed light on Obama's past which other media outlets seemed to ignore for the most part. He was friendly and quite competent about the issues and asked sensible questions to his guests. He used his show to make a point that history doesn't come in parts but instead flows. Progressives were not a thing of the past, they just transformed into what we consider the far left of the Democratic party. Bill O'Reilly would mock him at every turn about how he tried to identify Obama with Woodrow Wilson and other past Progressives but for the most part he was correct in his assertions. Sean Hannity has a correct ideology but his ideology blinds him, where O'Reilly tries to appear independent to attract a larger audience but Glenn Beck was just right. He was a mixture of the two and it was refreshing to see someone who stood up for what they believed, even if it went against people they liked and voted for. Fox News would do well to bring in a host similar to Beck but there is and always will be just one Glenn Beck.    


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I don't know what Mandy said, but probably "GBTV"!! It is very inexpensive and you get Glenn's radio and TV show.

  3. Yes it is nice that he has GBTV but I still miss seeing him on fox news. I thought he was good for the station because he was truely fair and balanced. Even though I was getting tired of the shows that had the feel of Oprah with the crowds getting involved. I liked it better when he tried to treat it as a news show.
