Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Breed of Conservatism

I just wanted to take the time today to go over one of the up and coming stars in the Republican party. Conservatives should be happy about the future of the Republican party, as many Republicans who were elected to congress have a bright future in the party for years to come. A new Conservative movement is on the horizon and they will lead this country back to the dominant economic and military power that it once was. These new faces are exactly what the party needed to guide us into the 21st century.

Allen West who represents the 22nd District of Florida will soon be a familiar and influential power in the Republican party. A former Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army, he served his country for 22 years and is now representing it with the same leadership he showed in his days in the military. He has been adament about getting rid of the progressive tax system in favor of a flat tax for corporations and individuals alike. He believes small business is the future of the United States and believes the only way to sustain profitability is to lower taxes to create flexibility for these small businesses to succeed. He realizes the threat of radical Islam and is in favor of combating that threat by staying on the offensive in Afghanistan and Iraq. He also, believes in energy independence while investing in clean coal, natural gas and oil. Illegal immigration has become a hot topic recently,West takes a hard stand against illegals infiltrating this nation and breaking the laws of this land, which the current administration does not want to enforce. His leadership is a breath of fresh air and in the next couple of years he will be a contender for the highest office in the land. 

Friday, December 30, 2011

Goodbye Iowa

The Iowa caucus reminds me of a once great quarterback who refuses to believe that his glory days are over and it is time to ride off into the sunset. No matter how bad his stats are and no matter how much his family and friends tell him that it is time to quit he just refuses to let go, in the hope that he can somehow, someway recreate what once was. This is what the Iowa caucus is starting to become. The caucus has become an outdated precedent that needs to go the same way as the steamboats and the Atari. Yes, it brings back days long since past when politicians would criss cross a particular state, meeting and greeting voters, kissing babies and shaking millions of excited onlookers hands. However, Iowa does not represent any other state in the United States. Each state is completely different and deserves the same publicity and say as Iowa gets every four years. Unfortunately, every four years the news media tells their audience that whoever wins Iowa will most likely become his or her parties nominee for President. Candidates spend months in Iowa ignoring the rest of the nation in the hopes they will win the state and march straight to the White House victoriously. If this was the case then in 2004 Huckabee would of faced Obama in the National election. This did not occurr and even though I like Huckabee, he probably wouldn't of faired any better against Obama than Mccain did. Iowa holds few minorities, few delegates and well, just few people in general. It hardly represents diverse, highly populated states and has no place in dictating who should be the frontrunner in any National race. Tradition is nice but this is one tradition that needs to die and needs to die this election cycle. Ron Paul is a frontrunner? Really? Iowa has got to be the only state in the United States that Ron Paul is even considered a contender. If he wins the Iowa caucus, he would lose every state after that. Come 2016 the media will try to get people interested in the Iowa contest only to realize that people do not take it seriously anymore. So Iowa, please vote for Paul, your only bringing an end to an ancient relic that hopefully will never be unearthed again for a long, long time.     

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Where Santorum Stands On The Issues

With the sudden rise of Rick Santorum in Iowa I thought I would take the time to go over where he stands on key conservative issues. His chances of winning the GOP nomination is still hopeful but slim at best but who knows what the polls will say if he has a strong showing in Iowa and if one of the top contenders performs poorly and bows out. My first choice would still be Rick Perry as I feel he has a better record to go against Obama in a national election. However, Rick Santorum, like Perry, has a clear and precise record of conservative values and few flip-flops.

On abortion Santorum is a strong believer that abortion is wrong in any case. Even in cases of rape or incest he still is against abortion in all forms. He feels that taking a life won't change what happened to the victim.

On the economy he is for prioritizing tax cuts over national debt reduction. He voted in favor of a Balanced-budget Constitutional amendment. Santorum wants a $40 billion reduction in federal spending.

On Civil Liberties he has a strong record against polygamy and gay marriage. He believes sexual orientation does not have a place in the military. Whether heterosexual or homosexual it is his belief that it will cause more problems for the military to just allow people to bring their personal life into the work place. He is in favor of a Constitutional ban on flag burning and voted against on adding sexual orientation crimes as a hate crime.

On crime he is for limiting class- action lawsuits and is pro death penalty. He voted yes on limiting death penalty appeals. Anyone who reads this needs to examine for themselves how much these appeals cost this nation on a yearly basis. Appeals alone are bankrupting the criminal justice system. He also, voted yes on increasing penalties for drug offenders.

Santorum is in favor of exposing kids to creationism along with evolution in the public school system and voted yes on only giving schools who allow prayer to have government aid. He takes a conservative approach when it comes to school vouchers. He has had a consistent record on voting for school vouchers dating back to 1994.

When it comes to energy policies he is for drilling in ANWR and voted no on banning drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. He has voted no on government funding of solar energy and yes on allowing for the creation of a nuclear waste repository.

His foreign policy consists of wanting to strengthen the trade embargo on Cuba and was against limiting the President's power to impose economic sanctions. He was for the War in Iraq and if President would take a strong stand against Iran, leaving all options on the table including taking out Iranian nukes by force with the help of our allies.

Repealing Obamacare would be his first objective if elected President. Which is far from Romney's position that he would only takes out the parts he disagrees with and leave the rest intact.

The immigration topic is one he has spoken adamently about during his campaign. He is for no in-state tuitions for illegals and is for finishing the border fence, along with making English our official language. No benefits for illegals and no guest worker program. Secure the border first and go from there is his approach.  

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas with Scrooge

 During this time of year we are reminded that not everyone is into the holiday spirit. The colorful lights, the creepy but amusing Santa out in your neighbor's yard and of course a Christmas tree that is lit up for even astronauts to see from space but unfortunately there is a push to end such decorations by critics who believe that by putting ornaments up in your yard might insult people who do not celebrate Christmas. In 2008 their was an incident that involved a Christmas tree that had been placed in the capital building in the state of Washington where people mocking Christmas, decided to take it into their own hands to ruin the display for everyone. Besides the Christmas tree and the Menorah, a sign was placed by the Freedom From Religion Foundation that states:

"At this season of the Winter Solstice may reason prevail.

There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell.

There is only our natural world.

Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."

This incident became so out of hand ,people were displaying signs about a flying spaghetti monster in the sky. It's one thing to not believe in someone elses religion and to even disagree with tenants or laws in that particular religion but to patronize it in such a manner is not freedom of religion and has absolutely nothing to do with separation of church and state but is nothing more than a radical person or group that is displaying their prejudice against any form of religion. This is the result of too much political correctness in this country and each and everyone one of us whether you are religious or atheist should be afraid of where we are heading. As a college student I have learned first hand how these so called "Higher Institutions" treat students with whom they disagree with. Freedom of speech usually goes right out the door if you mention something positive about Christians or something negative about Obama. I hate the idea that a door greeter at Wal Mart has to say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas for fear of offending someone. It is absurd for grown people to act in such a childlike manner. Respect our laws and respect our freedoms cause if the freedom of the press or freedom of speech is stifled, in any way then God help us all. 

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Virginia Primary

Ok this is unacceptable that two of the the Republican presidential candidates are unable to participate in the Virginia primary. Gingrich and Perry were unable to acquire 10,000 signatures to appear on the ballot. I find this to be an absurd lack of organizing from people who spend millions of dollars from donors and in Romney's case out of his own pocket to run for the highest position in the country but not able to take the time to get 10,000 signatures to contend for the forty-six delegates that Virginia will be giving out. In Gingrich's case, he won't even be able to participate in Missouri and Virginia which hold a significant amount of delegates, especially in a close race. You just can't contend when you leave delegates on the table. Then to make it worse Gingrich says he is going to do a write-in campaign in Virginia to try and lessen the appearance of incompetence on his campaigns part. Problem is Virginia does not accept write-in votes so he is just spewing hot air. If Perry or Gingrich wish to be taken serious they need to make sure their priorities are in order. Its mind boggling how a candidate such as Perry could spend so much time and money on ads in Iowa but probably doomed his chances of a comeback by not making an effort in Virginia. This is why so many of these candidates have been going up and down in the polls, because none of them appear to show leadership by taking these primaries by the throat and saying to the American people this is what I believe, this is what I am going to do if I am elected President and this is how I am going to do it. Most just say what gets them an applause but are unable to explain how they are going to go about making the changes that they have promised. Whoever wins this nomination is going to have to create a plan on how to get this economy out of the doldrums and how to create jobs. "Yes We Can" was a catchy slogan but nobody ever asked "Yes We Can" do what? There was no substance behind it and now we are finding out the hard way that catchy slogans without substance does not make change. Unless that change means an economy in the tank and a Depression on the horizon.

Friday, December 23, 2011

5 Christmas Wishes

1. I wish Rick Perry would show up consistently at a debate without making some hairbrain mistake that costs him votes. If he has any shot at coming back he needs to show that he is more than capable of standing with the big boys like Romey and Newt. If he doesn't learn his facts and able to speak clear and precise he will be out after Iowa.

2. I wish Ron Paul would get a clue. Is that so much to ask that a grown man who is running for president have a foreign policy. Just one idea about what to do with other nations, without him saying America is the enemy. If the United States is so evil then move to Canada is all I have to say to him. Becoming isolated from the rest of the world and ignoring the threats abroad is just asking for another September 11.

3. I wish Obama and people in his cabinet would quit using the race card everytime someone disagrees with one of his policies. It was bad enough we had to hear all this Reverend Wright hate speech that Obama supposedly never heard even though he attended that church for 20 something years but since he has been in office he has used the race card a number of times. One that really grinds my gears is the debate over Obamacare when anyone who didn't agree with it was racist. What does healthcare have to do with him being black? To me it's no different than if someone called me racist for booing Kobe Bryant when he is dominating my Rockets. His race would be the last thing that pissed me off about him.

4. I wish Saturday Night Live would stop using Sarah Palin and George W. Bush skits. Bush has been out of office for nearly four years, yet before they would poke jabs at the so called Messiah, they still use the same washed up routines that got them cheap laughs four years ago. Move on, write new material, make fun of Obama a few times or would that be racist? The Sarah Palin jokes are just ridiculous. I get it she never appears to be that smart when she is trying to give her opinion on Fox News and she is full of cheesy one liners that make people feel like she is one of them but I am so sick and tired of watching a Sarah Palin skit about how she can see Russia from her house on Saturday Night Live. They act like she is running for office. I will admit she is an easy target but nobody ever said comedy was supposed to be easy. True comedians dig deep, bringing original material to the table.

5. I wish the Hollywood elite would just shut up. I don't need another movie star shoving his lame political views down my throat everytime they do an interview or movie. Most whine about Global Warming, yet fly around in private jets from one side of the world to the other just for coffee and then tell the regular folks to ride a bike to work. This whole adopting children from around the world so the media will think they are the next Mother Theresa just pisses me off. What about all the children here who don't have a home or family? Adopt one of them instead or wait no that wouldn't make the front page of the New York Times I guess. The news media will ask the idiots from Jersey Shore what they would do if they were president, but refuse to ask a person that actually has ideas about how to fix the country. Fist pumping is not going to fix the nation, getting drunk and making out with anything that breathes is not going to solve our economy.

These are some of the things that I wish for Christmas. What is some of yours? Leave a comment.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Holder Should Resign

    United States Attorney General, Eric Holder has been by far one of the most controversial figures in the Obama Administration. His role in the Fast and Furious debacle has proved that his time as Attorney General will end as it began, with creating a disaster and being unable to explain why things went so terribly wrong. As you remember, during the 2008 Presidential election, Black Panther party members were brought up on voter intimidation charges as two of their members were outside of a polling place in Philadelphia, one holding a Billy club and both shouting racial insults at white voters. Even though the event was caught on video, Holder decided that there was not enough evidence to prosecute the accused. There was a view by the justice department that prosecuting minorities for civil rights violations would not be a huge focus on their agenda. Due to being in the administration of a African American president, it would appear that prosecuting minorities on such charges might cause a backlash by the same minorities that helped Obama get elected in 2008. However, even after calls for his resignation, Obama decided to stick with Holder. This has proved to be a mistake. Calls for his resignation have reignited past critics arguments that Holder should step down and be replaced by a more competent and less controversial figure. The questioning of Holder over what he knew and when he knew it when it concerns the Fast and Furious investigation could not have come at a worse time for Obama, as his popularity has plummeted and being reelected a few months from now appears to be nothing less than a long shot. Now Holder is stating that his critics are basing their criticism of him solely on the fact that he is African American. Not because he fails to uphold the law when it comes to voter intimidation, not because he helped empower Mexican drug lords, by giving them an arsenal of weaponry that is now wreaking havoc on our southern border, not because his administration is directly responsible for the death of a border guard and probably countless others that have been murdered by the guns that this administration failed to keep track of but because he is black is why he is getting attacked. I have a feeling that his latest excuse for his failings will fall on deaf ears.  

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Gotcha Questions

Is it just me are is the "gotcha questions," becoming more prevalent in the Republican primaries. Alot of these "gotcha questions" are coming from gay and lesbian people's kids. Which in itself I find repulsive that an adult would use their child as a means to speak their question. Guess they figure their question wouldn't be news worthy if they asked the question themselves but seeing the face of Michelle Bachman as a little boy asked her why she thought his mommy needed fixing was terrible. What is the right thing to do in that moment? You could try to explain that you don't think his mother needs fixing but that you just disagree with gay marriage. However, having a political debate with an eight year old while the camera is rolling just seems absurd. Rick Perry also, got a question from a child about why he opposed gay marriage but to his credit, he handled it masterfully. He explained that as a Christian it went against his moral compass and he believed it was a sin. This is not what these people are necessarily wanting to hear from a  candidate. They want the candidate to be embarrassed, not give a logical answer. People need to grow up, if you have a disagreement with someone's political views then state your problem and move along but don't bring the children into it. We can't start having a sensible debate on important issues until protesters stop rushing the stage of those they disagree with and adults quit using their child as a way to get famous.  

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Biden Gaffe

“The Taliban per se is not our enemy.” That was a statement from our Vice President in an interview with Newsweek/Daily Beast. This seems to be a trend that the Obama administration can never seem to overcome. They pity the terrorists and they refuse to talk tough to our enemies. The Taliban gave Osama Bin Laden refuge for years, while he was one of the most sought after terrorists in United States history. For years he was number one on the FBI Ten Most Wanted Criminals for his role in the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya, that killed 223 people and injured nearly 4,000. Their role in giving him sanctuary was why he was able to plan the September 11, World Trade Center attacks that took the lives of 2,996 American lives. Not only did Biden not try to apoligize for it he tried to clarify that, that was what he meant. This comes on the heal of Obama's tumultuous relationship with Israel, in which he blames Israel for Palastenian agression and his sudden withdrawal of troops from Iraq in an election year. Not to mention his administration's stance on not referring to the religious aspect of an Islamic terrorist but instead wants to call them "man-caused disasters," and his statement that it was work place violence that occurred in the Fort Hood attack. Even though the gunmans motives were clear, he did it based on his religious beliefs. How do you know what to fight when someone want even explain what your fighting? In World War II, American soldiers knew that Nazi soldiers were not going to blow themselves up cause they belived they would get hundreds of virgins in the sky, if they knew that they would do such a thing the game plan towards that enemy would of changed drastically. Obama and his entire administration are making themselves look childish with their constant refusals to call what we are up against what it is. Liberals thought the war in Iraq was nationbuilding but it is not, it is trying to take these Islamic extremist and this radical belief system out of these countries so that the people there don't have to live in fear of suicide bomber trying to blow up their children when they are out playing. It is not a war on Islam, it is a war against Radical Islam and their is nothing wrong with saying it.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Gingrich and the courts

Newt Gingrich is proposing some mighty big changes when it comes to the court system. Impeaching judges, whom he has disagreements with and not listening to verdicts that he thinks goes against his view of the Constitution. There has not been a President since Franklin Roosevelt who has taken on the court systems in this manner. If Gingrich is elected as President he will be facing the same challenges that Roosevelt faced. When Conservative leaning judges on the Supreme Court refused to retire for fear of him appointing judges that would be favorable to his New Deal, Roosevelt tried to pass a bill that would grant him the authority to install more judges to the court. However this did not go over well with the American people and the bill was voted down and was one of Roosevelts biggest failures. The American public tend to see the courts as a last resort to reign in the federal government just in case it does something unconstitutional, such as, Obama's healthcare law. The Supreme Court is about to hear the case to repeal the law altogether and it makes me wonder if Newt Gingrich has a problem with the court going against the will of the President or will he feel that the court is again overstepping its boundaries; going against the will of the founding fathers. I disagree with the courts having too much power, I understand that these low level judges have taken it upon themselves to override Federal and State laws at times because of ideological views but to propose that they go before the Senate and have to explain their decisions just seems like a waste of time. Not to mention I would hate for someone like an Obama to have such an authority. I have faith in Newt Gingrich when it comes to such matters as not overstepping his boundaries to a point but I just feel that it is setting a terrible precedent for a President that I do not trust having the power to question the decisions of the court, when the court goes against his wishes.

Ron Paul for President?

Lets make one thing clear people, Ron Paul could never beat Obama. I understand that the Tea Party is enamored by his anti-government stances that seems like every government function is an intrusion on our civil liberties but he could never appeal to the majority of Republican voters. Even most Conservatives would not vote for him because his foreign policies are a joke. He believes in isolationist policies that ignore the rest of the world. Its like a child hiding under the covers during a tornado saying this isn't happening, this isn't happening. Well guess what, the threats that the United States has is happening and their very real and should be taken seriously. Arab states like Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Pakistan are all real threats to this nation and to have this belief that we can negotiate with them is absurd. That is the same foreign policy that Obama has and that didn't work so well. So now the United States has lost all credibility as a super power just cause of Obama being naive. Do you really think Ron Paul can change the view that the United States is weak? I highly doubt that and I don't believe for one second that anybody else thinks that as well. Don't get me wrong I love the Tea Party and support it fully but supporting Paul for President is just the Tea Party on a high that they need to get down from. I don't like government in my business and i don't like government spending my hard earned dollars on wasteful spending but even I realize that there is somethings that government needs to have their hand in. A vote for Paul is a vote for anarchy and its also, a vote for Obama.

Death of a tyrant in the Korean Penninsula

With the death of Kim Jong- il in North Korea, American and South Korean forces are on high alert with the uncertainty that could occur when his third son Kim Jong Un tries to consolidate his power as the new leader of the already deprived and tumultuous country. Before Kim Jong's death the uncertainty of the nation's stability was already in question and now it appears that a regime change is right around the corner. For the past few years Kim Jong Un has been brought into the public eye as a way to show North Korea and the rest of the world that as a trasition of power begins it will not be such a catastrophic change. Kim Jong Un was named a four star general by his father, even though he has no prior military experience but this was just a means to show the military that they had a capable leader who could take charge of the only functional program in the entire nation. Unfortunately, with the launching of a few short ranged missiles after the death of his father, which North Korean officials said was nothing more than a military exercise even though the rest of the world thinks differently, it appears that American relations with the country will remain the same. Aid to the country by the United States will also, be put on hold until it is seen that Kim Jong Un can control power without a coup by the military or an uprising by the citizens. This could not have come at a worse time as the United States was using the aid as an incentive for North Korea to stop their nuclear enrichment program. Talks with North Korea about its nuclear disarmament program will have to be put on the back burner as the United States has to assure its allies in the region, mainly South Korea and Japan that it will stand by the countries if worse to to worse in the already unstable country.  

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Missing Glenn Beck Show

At 4 every evening I would sit and watch the Glenn Beck show. I found it to be one of the more informative shows on tv compared to the other Fox broadcasting with Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity. He was fair and didn't care if you were Republican or Democrat if your actions were hurting this nation he was all too willing to spread your face all throughout his show for weeks on end. He single handedly harassed the Obama Administration over Obama's ties to Van Jones and Bill Ayers and gleamed light on Obama's past which other media outlets seemed to ignore for the most part. He was friendly and quite competent about the issues and asked sensible questions to his guests. He used his show to make a point that history doesn't come in parts but instead flows. Progressives were not a thing of the past, they just transformed into what we consider the far left of the Democratic party. Bill O'Reilly would mock him at every turn about how he tried to identify Obama with Woodrow Wilson and other past Progressives but for the most part he was correct in his assertions. Sean Hannity has a correct ideology but his ideology blinds him, where O'Reilly tries to appear independent to attract a larger audience but Glenn Beck was just right. He was a mixture of the two and it was refreshing to see someone who stood up for what they believed, even if it went against people they liked and voted for. Fox News would do well to bring in a host similar to Beck but there is and always will be just one Glenn Beck.    

Conservatism 2012

Conservatism is a word that is not held proudly these days by core believers. Like many on
the left who instead of calling themselves liberals, prefer the term Progressive
as a means to elaborate their ideas without hostility from those on the right.
Conservatives have been taught that the days of Reagan can never be restored and
that the only way for a Republican candidate to win in a national election is to
move to the center. However, such beliefs were the downfall of the Republican
Party in the 2008 Presidential election. John Mccain who espoused throughout his
campaign that he was a moderate and was the only candidate that could garner
Independent’s votes was sorely defeated by one of the most far left candidates
in American history. Now four years later a similar narrative is beginning to
take shape that could not only cost the Republicans victory in the 2012
Presidential election but could splinter the party to a point that could never
be healed.
Mitt Romney who has made a living flip flopping on core beliefs
such as abortion and gay rights is touting that a vote against him is a vote for
Obama. Many Republicans fear that a true conservative like Newt Gingrich or Rick
Santorum could never win against Obama because they lack the ability to sway
independents to their side. However, in recent surveys nearly 64% of likely
Republican voters in the key state of Pennsylvania identify themselves as
Conservative and according to a recent Gallup poll that interviewed more than
40,000 likely voters nationwide, 73% of Republican voters identify themselves
as conservatives. Nearly 34% of Independents identify themselves as leaning
Conservative. So if this is the case the why does Conservatives have to settle
for a moderate like Romney to win?
The core reason for such a belief that conservatism is on the decline and that those that identify themselves as conservative are redneck bigots who are racially backwards is mostly media
driven. Almost every liberal commentator will blow off those with conservative
leanings as ignorant to the problems facing America and those with true
conservative beliefs have to bend to the will of others because they lack a true
voice. For years Rush Limbaugh was the only important Conservative that was
mainstream but with the creation of Fox News in the mid-90s Conservatives now
can express their opinions and ideas to a greater audience. Since then such
Conservative voices as Sean Hannity and Glen Beck have flourished.
Unfortunately, even they face an uphill battle to bring Conservatism to the
forefront due to a media driven to bring down all those that don't have a
progressive agenda for America. Many stars such as Rosie O'Donnell, Ben Affleck,
Susan Sarandon, Matt Damon and many more endorse these Progressive beliefs and
openly criticize and mock anybody who even remotely preaches a Conservative
message. The Tea Party movement has been chastised as nothing more than racists
who hate Obama not for his policies but for the color of his skin. Conservatives
dislike Obama because of his socialistic policies that are making America a
third world country not because he is African American. Most fair minded people
understand the bias towards such groups as the Tea Party but due to 2012 being
an election year the Hollywood crowd along with MSNBC, CNN and CBS have spent
almost their entire funds and airtime in promoting Barack Obama and destroying
all those that disagree with him by any means necessary.
This is an important election America and the only way we can get America back on track is
to fight for the freedoms that our forefathers fought and died for. The core
beliefs that our Founding Fathers in stored in us will be our sword and shield
and the battlefield states will be where we win back our freedom from these
Democratic oppressors who wish to destroy every inkling of American freedom and