Sunday, December 18, 2011

Conservatism 2012

Conservatism is a word that is not held proudly these days by core believers. Like many on
the left who instead of calling themselves liberals, prefer the term Progressive
as a means to elaborate their ideas without hostility from those on the right.
Conservatives have been taught that the days of Reagan can never be restored and
that the only way for a Republican candidate to win in a national election is to
move to the center. However, such beliefs were the downfall of the Republican
Party in the 2008 Presidential election. John Mccain who espoused throughout his
campaign that he was a moderate and was the only candidate that could garner
Independent’s votes was sorely defeated by one of the most far left candidates
in American history. Now four years later a similar narrative is beginning to
take shape that could not only cost the Republicans victory in the 2012
Presidential election but could splinter the party to a point that could never
be healed.
Mitt Romney who has made a living flip flopping on core beliefs
such as abortion and gay rights is touting that a vote against him is a vote for
Obama. Many Republicans fear that a true conservative like Newt Gingrich or Rick
Santorum could never win against Obama because they lack the ability to sway
independents to their side. However, in recent surveys nearly 64% of likely
Republican voters in the key state of Pennsylvania identify themselves as
Conservative and according to a recent Gallup poll that interviewed more than
40,000 likely voters nationwide, 73% of Republican voters identify themselves
as conservatives. Nearly 34% of Independents identify themselves as leaning
Conservative. So if this is the case the why does Conservatives have to settle
for a moderate like Romney to win?
The core reason for such a belief that conservatism is on the decline and that those that identify themselves as conservative are redneck bigots who are racially backwards is mostly media
driven. Almost every liberal commentator will blow off those with conservative
leanings as ignorant to the problems facing America and those with true
conservative beliefs have to bend to the will of others because they lack a true
voice. For years Rush Limbaugh was the only important Conservative that was
mainstream but with the creation of Fox News in the mid-90s Conservatives now
can express their opinions and ideas to a greater audience. Since then such
Conservative voices as Sean Hannity and Glen Beck have flourished.
Unfortunately, even they face an uphill battle to bring Conservatism to the
forefront due to a media driven to bring down all those that don't have a
progressive agenda for America. Many stars such as Rosie O'Donnell, Ben Affleck,
Susan Sarandon, Matt Damon and many more endorse these Progressive beliefs and
openly criticize and mock anybody who even remotely preaches a Conservative
message. The Tea Party movement has been chastised as nothing more than racists
who hate Obama not for his policies but for the color of his skin. Conservatives
dislike Obama because of his socialistic policies that are making America a
third world country not because he is African American. Most fair minded people
understand the bias towards such groups as the Tea Party but due to 2012 being
an election year the Hollywood crowd along with MSNBC, CNN and CBS have spent
almost their entire funds and airtime in promoting Barack Obama and destroying
all those that disagree with him by any means necessary.
This is an important election America and the only way we can get America back on track is
to fight for the freedoms that our forefathers fought and died for. The core
beliefs that our Founding Fathers in stored in us will be our sword and shield
and the battlefield states will be where we win back our freedom from these
Democratic oppressors who wish to destroy every inkling of American freedom and

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