Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas with Scrooge

 During this time of year we are reminded that not everyone is into the holiday spirit. The colorful lights, the creepy but amusing Santa out in your neighbor's yard and of course a Christmas tree that is lit up for even astronauts to see from space but unfortunately there is a push to end such decorations by critics who believe that by putting ornaments up in your yard might insult people who do not celebrate Christmas. In 2008 their was an incident that involved a Christmas tree that had been placed in the capital building in the state of Washington where people mocking Christmas, decided to take it into their own hands to ruin the display for everyone. Besides the Christmas tree and the Menorah, a sign was placed by the Freedom From Religion Foundation that states:

"At this season of the Winter Solstice may reason prevail.

There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell.

There is only our natural world.

Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."

This incident became so out of hand ,people were displaying signs about a flying spaghetti monster in the sky. It's one thing to not believe in someone elses religion and to even disagree with tenants or laws in that particular religion but to patronize it in such a manner is not freedom of religion and has absolutely nothing to do with separation of church and state but is nothing more than a radical person or group that is displaying their prejudice against any form of religion. This is the result of too much political correctness in this country and each and everyone one of us whether you are religious or atheist should be afraid of where we are heading. As a college student I have learned first hand how these so called "Higher Institutions" treat students with whom they disagree with. Freedom of speech usually goes right out the door if you mention something positive about Christians or something negative about Obama. I hate the idea that a door greeter at Wal Mart has to say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas for fear of offending someone. It is absurd for grown people to act in such a childlike manner. Respect our laws and respect our freedoms cause if the freedom of the press or freedom of speech is stifled, in any way then God help us all. 

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