Sunday, December 25, 2011

Virginia Primary

Ok this is unacceptable that two of the the Republican presidential candidates are unable to participate in the Virginia primary. Gingrich and Perry were unable to acquire 10,000 signatures to appear on the ballot. I find this to be an absurd lack of organizing from people who spend millions of dollars from donors and in Romney's case out of his own pocket to run for the highest position in the country but not able to take the time to get 10,000 signatures to contend for the forty-six delegates that Virginia will be giving out. In Gingrich's case, he won't even be able to participate in Missouri and Virginia which hold a significant amount of delegates, especially in a close race. You just can't contend when you leave delegates on the table. Then to make it worse Gingrich says he is going to do a write-in campaign in Virginia to try and lessen the appearance of incompetence on his campaigns part. Problem is Virginia does not accept write-in votes so he is just spewing hot air. If Perry or Gingrich wish to be taken serious they need to make sure their priorities are in order. Its mind boggling how a candidate such as Perry could spend so much time and money on ads in Iowa but probably doomed his chances of a comeback by not making an effort in Virginia. This is why so many of these candidates have been going up and down in the polls, because none of them appear to show leadership by taking these primaries by the throat and saying to the American people this is what I believe, this is what I am going to do if I am elected President and this is how I am going to do it. Most just say what gets them an applause but are unable to explain how they are going to go about making the changes that they have promised. Whoever wins this nomination is going to have to create a plan on how to get this economy out of the doldrums and how to create jobs. "Yes We Can" was a catchy slogan but nobody ever asked "Yes We Can" do what? There was no substance behind it and now we are finding out the hard way that catchy slogans without substance does not make change. Unless that change means an economy in the tank and a Depression on the horizon.



    There are these things called "laws" that require certain things to be put on the ballot here in VA. I am glad that those two clowns won't be on the ballot as they are not good enough to even step foot here in blue VA. Besides, Corporate Robot Mitt Romney is gonna be your standard bearer. The sooner you accept it the more money he'll have to attack Obama with.

  2. Romney isn't even the frontrunner in iowa anymore come 8 days from now he might not even be leading in any of the states he is currently contending in. The top 3 in Iowa will be the contenders, those that aren't will drop out and the race will tighten and probably Romney want win if that happens cause conservatives will have to accept a conservative candidate against him.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. The MSM is trying to fix the election by pushing RINO ROMNEY.

    ROMNEY and NEWT are the reason the TEA Party MOVEMENT came into being! RINO'S and POLITICAL HUSTLERS that game the system for their personal financial gain...are what true TEA Party members abhor! REAL PROVEN LEADERSHIP is what our country desperately needs right now!

    Gov. RICK PERRY is the real deal!

  5. I get tired of hearing that the Republican candidates need to gather Independent support to win a national election. But at what cost do we get Independent vote by ignoring Conservatives which are the base of the party in the first place. Rick Perry or Rick Santorum are the only true conservatives left in the race. I understand that they are insiders but compared to Newt and Romney they are outsiders. If Newt or Romney gets elected things want change in Washtington and the people will be outraged just as much as they were with Obama
