Friday, December 23, 2011

5 Christmas Wishes

1. I wish Rick Perry would show up consistently at a debate without making some hairbrain mistake that costs him votes. If he has any shot at coming back he needs to show that he is more than capable of standing with the big boys like Romey and Newt. If he doesn't learn his facts and able to speak clear and precise he will be out after Iowa.

2. I wish Ron Paul would get a clue. Is that so much to ask that a grown man who is running for president have a foreign policy. Just one idea about what to do with other nations, without him saying America is the enemy. If the United States is so evil then move to Canada is all I have to say to him. Becoming isolated from the rest of the world and ignoring the threats abroad is just asking for another September 11.

3. I wish Obama and people in his cabinet would quit using the race card everytime someone disagrees with one of his policies. It was bad enough we had to hear all this Reverend Wright hate speech that Obama supposedly never heard even though he attended that church for 20 something years but since he has been in office he has used the race card a number of times. One that really grinds my gears is the debate over Obamacare when anyone who didn't agree with it was racist. What does healthcare have to do with him being black? To me it's no different than if someone called me racist for booing Kobe Bryant when he is dominating my Rockets. His race would be the last thing that pissed me off about him.

4. I wish Saturday Night Live would stop using Sarah Palin and George W. Bush skits. Bush has been out of office for nearly four years, yet before they would poke jabs at the so called Messiah, they still use the same washed up routines that got them cheap laughs four years ago. Move on, write new material, make fun of Obama a few times or would that be racist? The Sarah Palin jokes are just ridiculous. I get it she never appears to be that smart when she is trying to give her opinion on Fox News and she is full of cheesy one liners that make people feel like she is one of them but I am so sick and tired of watching a Sarah Palin skit about how she can see Russia from her house on Saturday Night Live. They act like she is running for office. I will admit she is an easy target but nobody ever said comedy was supposed to be easy. True comedians dig deep, bringing original material to the table.

5. I wish the Hollywood elite would just shut up. I don't need another movie star shoving his lame political views down my throat everytime they do an interview or movie. Most whine about Global Warming, yet fly around in private jets from one side of the world to the other just for coffee and then tell the regular folks to ride a bike to work. This whole adopting children from around the world so the media will think they are the next Mother Theresa just pisses me off. What about all the children here who don't have a home or family? Adopt one of them instead or wait no that wouldn't make the front page of the New York Times I guess. The news media will ask the idiots from Jersey Shore what they would do if they were president, but refuse to ask a person that actually has ideas about how to fix the country. Fist pumping is not going to fix the nation, getting drunk and making out with anything that breathes is not going to solve our economy.

These are some of the things that I wish for Christmas. What is some of yours? Leave a comment.


  1. Gov Palin is NOT a moron-its just that SNL portrays her as one cause of how she speaks. People from her neck of the words talk like that. If they ever did O'Bozo how he really is, youd know what a moron he is, but that would NEVER happen on there. Besides, we know that he truly is! They want Romney in, cause they never make fun of him, They'll be in the tank for him until he gets the nomination, then the daggers will be launched!

  2. Well I am from the south and I know how the media loves to portray southern Republicans as morons cause of the southern draw that most of us have but it’s not necessarily her language or how she says things that irritates me. It’s the persona I feel like she is trying to portray. I think she is trying to portray a certain image of down home, everyday Alaskan. To me it doesn’t feel like that is really her. I could be mistaken but from every interview I’ve ever seen with her she seems to try to come off as that way. She is not stupid but she deafinately should not be a political analyst on Fox News. She looks out of place on O’Reilly when he is trying to ask her the same questions as he does Carl Rove and Dick Morris. Saturday Night Live will have a field day with Romney if he is the nominee but God forbid they ever make a skit about Obama without CNN doing a fact check over everything that was in the skit.


    We must re-elect Obama. We must appoint judges to the Supreme Court. We must ban all things Christian and Ronald Reagan.

    GOP spends more than Dems - check it out -

  4. The dems are single handedly bankrupting this country not to mention showing our enemies that we don't have the guts to challenge them. Our allies have no faith in us and our enemies don't fear us. If Obama is reelected I don't think this country could sustain world power status. It would just be another 3rd world country.
