Friday, January 6, 2012

California Brainwashing Students

California has now passed a law requiring students as young as kindergarten to be taught about gay and lesbian historical figures. To be fair it's not the fact that it's gay and lesbian figures that they are forcing the kids to learn about that is my problem, it is the fact that they are forcing this upon our little children without consulting the parents first. I am a strict conservative and I have a huge problem with the government telling us who our children should look up to. Not everyone wants their children indoctrinated with ideas that some may deem harmful to a young childs mind. The fact that the government is not taking into consideration peoples ideological or religious views is repulsive. This is America for goodness sakes, what happened to the idea that we can raise our children in peace without the intrusion of the federal government forcing views down our throats. This is going to make more people angry than it is going to help the gay and lesbian cause. So what is the point of children this young learning about homosexuals? Or even heterosexuals for that matter? If they are going to have gay and lesbian figures in text books why do they have to bring the persons sexuality into the fray? Do we have to put in our textbooks that our founding fathers were heterosexual? What is the point of making that the center of attention. Great men and women do great things, incorporating what they did in their bedrooms takes away time that should be used to show why and what they did to further their cause or what they did so beneficial for mankind that we should take time out of our day to know who they are. I am so sick and tired of everytime I turn around somebody in the classroom or on television is telling me what I should think and believe. Why can't children be innocent until they become adults and can make up their minds for themselves. Why does the government feel the need to take on the role of parents instead of allowing the kids parents to make the decision of what is right for their child on their on. Whether you are for gay rights or against it, it really doesn't matter we all need to stand up against government intrusion. Because if we don't we are going to lose our voice in this country no matter what part of the ideological or political spectrum you are on, it won't matter if your gay or staight, the government will eventually silence all of us.    

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